CQRS, DDD and Event Sourcing

Three independent concepts that are often thought of together. Why are these commonly spoke about together? What do these ideas share?

… ven diagram ?

Domain-Driven Design (DDD)

Command/Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)

CQRS splits the application into two subsystems: one for reading, one for writing. This thinking moves away from CRUD, where we would read the same resource that we have written to a database.

  • For reads, think about the view model. What data do we need to display?
  • For writes, think about the task at hand. What data do we need to perform this operation?

Task-based Non-technieness

I think CQRS is the natural way of thinking about many real-world problems, but engineers have been conditioned to think in terms of resources and CRUD. In most domains, the non-technical domain experts describe their problems in terms of tasks, not in terms of creating and updating these models.

This is where DDD naturally fits with CQRS commands. The task-based, non-technical design. The command names can inherit the ubiquitous language of the domain and sometimes map one-to-one to a method on a domain entity. Some architects argue that commands themselves should be part of the domain.

  • diagram

But not all systems suit this design. A ticketing system, for example, might naturally have a more CRUD-like design, where a ticket resource is created. Its description, assignee, and other properties are displayed on screen, and those same properties are updated with a form-like UI.

Transaction and Consistency Boundary

DDD aggregates also provide a consistency boundary. I like CQRS commands to be atomic, committing a unit of work at the end of a command. This thinking fits together pretty well, especially if you are only making one operation on an aggregate per command.

  • Operational data vs reporting data.
  • Events used for further operations

  • Commands that return acceptance not fulfillment ?

Event Sourcing

  • Internal Read Store = different tables, within transaction, consistent

  • External read store = different databases, outside transaction, resilient, eventually consistent

  1. Only persist events in the database. Queries and commands rebuild the state from these events when needed.
  2. Persist the events, but also pre-compute read models for queries to read from later.
  3. Persist the events, and

Eventual Consistency

  • Commands that return acceptance not fulfillment

Event Stream

  • Event store
  • Get. Reporting data?
  • Generic domain event handler


But they’re not the same ideas. All these can be used independently, or you can mix and match whichever suit the needs of your project.

Relationship to DDD

CQRS is commonly used alongside DDD. It’s not a rule - you can use each independently - but they work well together.

The domain model would live on the command side of a CQRS system. Changes to be applied to aggregates.

This part of the system will be responsible for committing data transactions.