Software architecture is often just about drawing boxes and arrows. It’s about designing fundamental structures and systems and how they relate to each other.

Transactional Outbox Pattern

The Transactional Outbox Pattern ensures a message is always published to a message broker when making changes to a database, even if the message broker fails initially. This is essential for event-driven architecture to ensure consistency when other services are rebuilding state from your events.

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Conway's Law

The communication structures in your organisation influence your software architecture. We explore some examples of this and explain how it relates to Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Microservices.

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Event Sourcing

We explain the pros and cons of Event Sourcing compared to traditionally updating the current state in a database. We cover trade-offs with Eventual Consistency, problems with concurrency, and options to solve those with optimistic concurrency techniques.

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Visualising Software in Shapes

When I think of a software system, I see shapes and lines connecting groups of smaller shapes and smaller lines. Like a galaxy of solar systems with planets of continents, each with roads connecting cities with villages and hamlets. It’s a structure that fits related concepts together and hides away complexity at different scales.

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Software is about Drawing Boxes

That’s what it all comes down to. Not to diminish anyone’s long, hardworking career, but every design decision we make ultimately boils down to where we want to define a certain boundary. What concepts should we couple together? Which layers “know of” which? It’s all a structure of how thoughts and ideas fit together.

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Domain-Driven Boundaries

At its core, Domain-Driven Design is about building shared models as a collaboration between domain experts and technical experts. When engineers speak the same language as the rest of the business, we can build an architecture that aligns with how the business works.

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Onion Architecture with DDD and CQRS

Explaining how I reason about the building blocks of Onion Architecture, Domain-Driven Design and Command Query Responsibility Segregation in an event-driven microservices architecture. How it all fits together in my head, the concepts they share, and the mistakes I’ve made along the way.

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